Freitag, 11. Dezember 2015

NLU vs Dialog Management

Recently, I stumbled across a blog from that their system now supports slot filling: Note, that my goal is not on blaming their system.

Currently, I observe that efforts towards spoken interaction coming from cognitive computing are still not fully aware of what has been done in dialog management research in the past decades, and vice versa. Both parties are coming from different centers in the chain of spoken dialog systems.
While the AI community usually focuses on natural language understanding (linguistic analysis) the spoken dialog community focuses on the dialog manager as the central point in this chain.
Both have good reasons for their attitude and are able to deliver convincing results.

Cognitive computing sees the central point in the semantics which should also be grounded with previous utterances or external content. Speech input and output is in this view restricted to be some input into the system and some output. Dialog management can be really dumb in this case. Resulting user interfaces are currently more or less based on queries.

The dialog manager focused view regards the NLU to be some input into the system while the decision upon subsequent interaction is being handled in this component. Resulting user interfaces range from rigid state-based approaches over the information state update approach up to statistical motivated dialog managers like POMPD.

My hope is, that both communities start talking to each other to better incorporate convincing results of "the other component" to arrive at a convincing user experience.

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